
What causes that noise?

There are many ideas about the causes of tinnitus and where it comes from. The thinking is that damage to the hair cells in the inner ear (cochlea) is the most likely cause.

In the inner ear there are inner and outer hair cells which help us hear. These hairs send sounds to the brain for processing. The outer hair cells are more exposed and therefore more easily damaged. So if this damage occurs, the outer hair cells cannot prevent sound signals reaching the inner hair cells. As a result the brain receives unprompted sound signals.

The hearing system heightens these sound signals in some cases. Subsequently we think we can hear noise. We call this noise tinnitus.

It is allied with:

  • Hearing loss
  • Exposure to loud noise
  • Stress and worry
  • Ear wax build up
  • Ear infections

At the moment there is no known cure for the condition, however there are treatments and help available. As a result we can better understand the problem and provide relief. At Bollington Hearing Centre, we provide an in-depth tinnitus consultation and a range of management techniques and tools to relieve tinnitus, offer advice, guidance and support.

Clare is a certified British Tinnitus Association (BTA) Tinnitus Advisor and Cognitive Tinnitus Therapy Professional offering tinnitus management consultations. Bollington Hearing Centre is also a corporate member of the BTA.

We carry out an initial assessment essential to the success of Tinnitus Therapy. Our main goals is to get some measurable data, identify and set realistic goals with desired outcomes and then create an Individual Care Plan for the patients ongoing treatment.

Our Tinnitus Treatment package:

  • A 90 minute full diagnostic tinnitus and hearing assessment, this includes an ear exam with our video-otoscope camera. Individual care plan and guidance for the management of tinnitus (£180)
  • Follow-up and support sessions (£80)

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