8 most asked questions about ear wax

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These are the 8 top questions we get asked about ear wax and how to remove it. If you need to know more, read on.

If you ever experience the unpleasant sensation of losing your hearing, don’t worry!

You’ll be happy to know that we can work our magic and get to the bottom of your hearing problem.

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1. Why do I make so much ear wax?

Ear wax is there to protect your ear! It’s made up of skin cells, hair, and oils. These work together to keep dust, dirt, and water out of your ear canal.

Everyone makes ear wax, but some people produce more than others. This can be due to genetics or simply a result of your environment.

Your body will produce more wax if it feels it needs to. This may be because you use headphones a lot for example. It might also be because you work in a noisy environment.

2. How can I stop my ears from making so much wax?

There’s no sure-fire way to do this. As we said, everyone’s body is different however you can sometimes reduce the amount.

Use a damp cloth to wipe around the outside of your ear when you shower. You should not put anything in your ear to try to clean it. Using cotton buds just pushes the wax further into your ear. This makes it harder for your body to remove it naturally, which creates a build up.

You may not actually be making a lot of ear wax at all. You may just be compacting it and creating the sensation that you have a lot of wax.

3. Can what I eat affect how much ear wax I produce?

Because ear wax is made up of skin cells and oils, yes, what you eat can have an effect on the amount of ear wax your body produces. Diet is critical for so many aspects of our health, hearing included.

A diet high in saturated fats will likely increase the amount of oil in your ear wax. This could make it more likely that you’ll experience a build-up.

most asked questions about ear wax: Classic sources of Omega 3 and Healthy Fats
classic sources of Omega 3 and Healthy Fats -Source: Medical Nutritional Therapy

On the other hand, a diet rich in omega-three fatty acids can help to keep ear wax soft. This means it’s less likely to cause a blockage.

Balanced is always best though. Maybe check your dairy and gluten intake too, some people are also sensitive to caffeine.

4. Most asked question number four. Does wax removal hurt?

The short answer is no. The long answer is, it shouldn’t hurt. Ear wax removal should be a painless process that leaves you feeling relieved.

If you’re experiencing any discomfort, make sure to let us know.

5. Does having wax removal once make me produce more wax?

Ear wax is constantly being produced. It’s a natural and necessary part of keeping your ears healthy.

Wax removal will not make you produce more ear wax. However, if you have your ears cleaned too often, it can irritate the skin in your ear canal. This might lead to an overproduction of ear wax as your body tries to compensate and protect your ears.

The best way to conquer your ear wax is to make an annual appointment to come and see us. That way you can be worry free about your hearing.

6. Will having wax removal cure my hearing loss?

Hearing loss has many different causes. Ear wax is just one of them.

There’s a chance that removing the ear wax will improve your hearing. It really depends on what’s causing the hearing loss though. If it’s something more serious, like nerve damage, then ear wax removal won’t make a difference.

You may also be experiencing totally natural hearing loss. The simple solution is to make an appointment with us right now!

7. What is microsuction?

Microsuction is a method of ear wax removal that uses a small, gentle suction device. A tiny, soft tube is inserted into your ear. This is then used to remove the ear wax using a very fine vacuum.

Microsuction is quick, painless, and considered one of the most effective ways to remove ear wax.

8. What are the benefits of microsuction versus irrigation?

There are a few key benefits of microsuction over irrigation. Firstly microsuction is much less likely to cause any damage to your ear. In addition it’s a lot less messy, minimal preparation is required and it is considered more effective in general.

If you’re considering microsuction, make sure to book an appointment with us today! We’d be happy to help.

To sum up, read more about all of our services here.

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