World Hearing Day 2021

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Over 430 million people throughout the World experience disabling hearing loss. This number could grow to nearly 700 million by 2050. When not addressed, hearing loss can be a significant challenge for all age groups.

Hearing problems hinder language development, communication and cognition. This then limits access to education, employment and social interactions.

The vast majority of those with disabling hearing loss live in low and middle-income countries. In general, these places lack the policies, human resources, infrastructure and awareness required to address hearing loss.

Many causes that lead to hearing loss can be prevented. The World Health Organisation estimates that 60% of hearing loss among children is due to preventable causes. Additionally over a billion adolescents and young adults are at risk of avoidable, irreversible hearing loss. For instance, the common practice of listening to music at loud volumes for long periods of time is a constant problem for young people.

For the people living with hearing loss, the right care at the right time is critical. They need effective technologies and treatments to help them achieve their full potential.

In 2017 the World Health Assembly asked for a report on these facts. Consequently the World Report on Hearing published them, along with supporting evidence.

At Bollington Hearing Centre we would like to draw your attention to the key messages of the 1st World Report of Hearing.


  • The number of people living with unaddressed hearing loss and ear diseases is not acceptable.
  • We need timely action to prevent and address hearing loss across the course of life.
  • Investing in cost effective interventions will help people with hearing loss and bring financial gains to the society.
  • Governments must act to integrate person-centred ear and hearing care within national health plans for universal health coverage.

We are committed to raising awareness of hearing and hearing loss.

You can read the full report by going to World report on hearing (

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